Each pregnancy journey is unique, you might experience sickness, tiredness, swollen ankles and more. One thing is undeniable in every pregnancy. Your body is amazing, and you have a miracle inside you.
You will look back on your pregnancy as fleeting, despite some of the longest days. So don’t miss the opportunity to capture it forever.
As professional photographers, capturing your pregnancy is always fun and an honour. You are about to embark on the ride of your life and to be able to create not just a record of that, but a piece of art representing the dramatic change is wonderful.
Below are some tips for you to follow at home to ensure that the photographic record of your pregnancy is something that you will look back on, feeling happy with yourself and your journey. These are examples of how to flatter your individual body shape in your pregnancy photos, inducing ways to hide or disguise your stretch marks and any unwanted lumps. But more importantly, show you that you also deserve, and can have beautiful pregnancy photography, no matter what size or shape you may be.
Tip 5 – Photoshop
If all else fails, we have Photoshop. Anything is possible with the magical world of Photoshop, although we want your personality and beauty to shine through, we retouch to a natural level making you look as good as can be!