Each pregnancy journey is unique, you might experience sickness, tiredness, swollen ankles and more. One thing is undeniable in every pregnancy. Your body is amazing, and you have a miracle inside you.
You will look back on your pregnancy as fleeting, despite some of the longest days. So don’t miss the opportunity to capture it forever.
Time and time again, we hear women reflect on missing their pregnancy shoot, with longing and regret. That’s why Enhance studios include a complimentary Pregnancy Photo Session with every Newborn Photo Session. We’ll make sure you don’t miss out, forget, or wish you had.
You are beautiful. Your metamorphosis into the mother of the child inside you, is to be cherished and celebrated.
Learn more about a Newborn Photography Session, and complimentary Maternity Session with Enhance Studios today.
scroll to the bottom of the page to see more of our portfolio

Pregnancy photography is best taken between 32 – 36 weeks into your pregnancy. This is while you’re still feeling great and your baby bump is at a great size. (and not too close that we may accidentally miss out!)
We encourage you to do your own hair and make up to your liking. We want you to look like you, not like you’re at a glamour studio. You could go a little bit heavier with makeup than normal, but don’t go over the top.
Please don’t think you can’t have stunning maternity photos and keep your modesty. We will plan all the options out for your in our first step at the pre-shoot consultation (see the process and how it all works here)
Enhance Studios does not provide any maternity outfits, to help ensure that each and every one of you have your own unique photos to tell your unique story, you need to show your style and personality with your clothing.
To start your Enhance Studios journey you can book in a pre-shoot consult HERE
to book you’ll need to have purchased a starter package – they can be found HERE
There is no repeating the first 2 weeks of your baby’s life. This beautiful little person is, tiny, sleepy wrinkly, furry and flaky. They are unaware they’ve arrived in this world and are pure need and emotion.
They are changing every day and growing faster then you can imagine. Capturing them whilst they are in their blissful and beautifully unaware stage is a very precious thing.
A new baby makes a huge impact in their first few days, forever changing your family make up and expanding your heart beyond what you thought it was capable of.
Because your baby’s journey into their family it is important all our newborn session include the fully family. Those new relationships are so immediate so strong and so precious. It’s important to capture your whole family and the individual relationships – siblings, baby and parent, baby and full family.
for more information
scroll to the bottom of the page to see more of our portfolio

Newborn photography is best taken within the first 4 – 14 days of your babies birth. This is so we can create beautiful squidgy sleepy images, and your little one is more cooperative. Babies are small for such a short period of time, so you will really appreciate capturing their size and proportion at these early stages. From holding your tiny and precious bundle of joy in your arms, to hugs and kisses from mum and dad – we will capture the beauty of these and other moments now, before it’s too late.
We encourage you to bring your own personal items and will help you figure out what those are at your pre-shoot consultation.
We do have a great range of single colour blankets and wraps, as well as some baskets and bowls to help support baby and the colour scheme that most suits you and your home. – you can see more of our colour scheme on our instagram page
Babies tend not to understand timelines… so we allow 1.5 – 3 hours for your photo session. This gives us time so settle and feed if needed.
Baby’s are on their own timeline, and that’s fine we will book a tentative newborn appointment for you at your pregnancy session. It’s close enough to your due date to be a little more educated with our guess as to when he or she will arrive.
These tentative appointments can easily be moved to another day or time mid week to allow for baby’s early or late arrival.
We recommend booking in early to avoid disappointment and most importantly with all that is hapening when your baby first arrives, we know it’s easier to move your appointment not make one.
To start your Enhance Studios journey you can book in a pre-shoot consult HERE
to book you’ll need to have purchased a starter package – they can be found HERE